McDonald’s planned for former police station - creating 65 new jobs if given go-ahead
A new drive-through McDonald’s restaurant could take over the former Brownhills police station, creating dozens of new jobs.

The fast-food giant has submitted plans to open a new outlet at the site of the old station, based in Chester Road North, which closed in 2014 as part of cost-cutting measures.
In its application to Walsall Council planners, McDonald’s said the proposal would see more than 65 new jobs coming into the area for local people if it is approved.
Brownhills Police Station went on the market in January 2020, with an asking price of £650,000 having lain empty for almost six years.
Prior to submitting the plans, McDonald’s said it consulted with 150 neighbouring residents for feedback and the main concerns raised were around noise and traffic.
Following this, plans include the installation of acoustic fencing around the building while a traffic assessment, including surveys, concluded the site would accommodate motorists with minimal delays and queuing.
Residents are also being assured that complaints about disturbances are taken seriously by the company and managers will liaise with police and the council to deal with issues.
If approved, the restaurant will join the portfolio of more than 1,280 McDonald’s in the UK since it started trading here in 1974.
Agents Planware Ltd said: “The proposed development will provide over 65 jobs for the community.
“Details have been provided on McDonald’s efforts to provide opportunities for skills and training through their internal management training programme.
“Staff are given the opportunity to gain naturally recognised qualifications in hospitality, literacy and numeracy.
“Sufficient parking has been provided at the restaurant with accessible parking located as close to the restaurant entrance as possible. McDonald’s actively encourage more sustainable methods of transport.
“The design and layout of the proposal is appropriate in the area. Natural and neutral colours and materials will be used on the building and throughout the scheme to ensure the site integrates easily with the surroundings.
“The site represents an appropriate location for a drive-thru restaurant, which will be well placed to offer refreshments to passing customers and those in the surrounding area.”