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Police use tracking device to find stolen bike in Walsall

Police have seized a stolen bike in Walsall with the help of a tracking device.

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Officers located the bike on Wednesday after intercepting it in Shelfield.

They used the owner's tracking device to pin down its rough location before using "local knowledge" to find it.

The stolen bike was reunited with its rightful owner

Sgt Ben Killeen, neighbourhood policing supervisor for Brownhills, said: "It was a really good seizure. It is now in our possession and will be reunited with its rightful owner."

West Midlands Police said over the last year, it has seized more than 40 bikes, some of which were stolen and being ridden illegally in Walsall.

To report stolen bikes or incidents of off-road biking, people should contact the force via Live Chat on its website, or by calling 101.

Alternatively, contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.

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