Express & Star

Former Saddlers stars join forces and help raise over £15,000 for good causes

Former Walsall football stars got the ball rolling in a charity match for three worthy causes and helped to raise more than £15,000.

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Around 2,000 people turned out to see a team of Walsall legends playing members of Cresswell Wanderers at the Poundland Bescot Stadium on Friday.

Players appearing for Walsall All Stars included Martin O'Connor, Jimmy Walker, Dean Keates and Peter Till.

As well as raising money for the Cresswell team, proceeds are also going to be put towards restoring the Bloxwich Cenotaph and War Memorial and go to the family of cancer patient Steven Allmark.

The event, which ended in a 3-0 win for the Walsall All Stars, was organised by friends Martin Morris, Craig Timmins and Michael Gough along with Stewart Hartshorne, who is a colleague of Steven.

Martin, who runs two Facebook pages dedicated to the history of Bloxwich, said: "It was amazing and a great effort by everyone. I can't praise them enough.

"There was about 2,000 people there and we've raised about £15,000 with money still coming in.

"It was 3-0 to Walsall All Stars and there was a trophy presentation at the end."

The event also had family entertainment, music and an auction before the game, and spectators had the chance to see some of the club's juniors train.

People can still donate to an online fundraising page at