Express & Star

Appeal for witnesses to damage caused to car

A public appeal has been launched for help finding the person responsible for damaging a car.

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Staffordshire Police has launched the appeal after the owner a yellow Peugeot 208 returned to his car in a car park on Gaol Street in Stafford and discovered broken bricks on the windscreen.

It left the car with damage to the windscreen and bonnet and the force has asked for anyone with any information to get in touch by calling 101 or messaging on Live Chat on the Staffordshire Police website.

A spokesman for Staffordshire Police said: "We are appealing for information after the windscreen and bonnet of a car was damaged in Stafford.

"The owner of a yellow Peugeot 208 parked near a car park on Gaol Street at around 6pm on Saturday, April 20.

"When he went back to the car at around 11.30pm, he found broken bricks on the windscreen.

"Anyone who was in the area at the time and has information which could help with our enquiries is asked to get in touch.

"Call us on 101, quoting incident number 351 of 21 April, or message us using Live Chat on our website –

"You call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111."

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