Express & Star

Community rallies to fund funeral for army veteran who lay undiscovered for 16 days

Hundreds of people turned out to pay tribute to an army veteran who died alone in his flat and wasn't discovered for 16 days.

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Around 150 veterans and ex-soldiers and many more friends and people who wished to pay their respects to Roger Southern crowded into Stafford Crematorium on Friday.

Mr Southern died at his flat in Alexandra Road, Stafford, on January 17 but, tragically, was not found until February 2.

He faced having a pauper's funeral after attempts to raise funds from the Stafford branch of the Royal British Legion and armed forces charity SSAFA were rebuffed.

Stafford soldier ROger Southern makes his final journey after passing away at 56. Friends and members of the Staffordshire Regiment Association (Stafford branch) rallied round to make sure he had a proper funeral
Gil Mould, a fellow former soldier, pays his respect to Stafford veteran Roger Southern.

Over £5,000 was raised in 48 hours from a GoFundMe page when it became clear it was needed to provide a proper ceremony for the 56-year-old who had seen active service in the former Staffordshire Regiment in a 15-year military career.