Express & Star

'Amazing group' of Guide Dogs volunteers raise £13,000 for charity

Volunteers in Staffordshire have been praised for raising more than £13,000 so far this year for the Guide Dogs charity.

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Alison Banham with George and Elmo

The fundraisers, from Stone and Stafford, raised the vital funds to help the charity survive the impact of coronavirus.

The charity helps blind and partially-sighed people across the UK through the provision of guide dogs and other services.

Community fundraising relationship manager Mary Conner said: "This amazing group of volunteers have done incredibly well to raise this sum.

“Volunteers kindly offer their time, support and energy to our charity. Without them, we wouldn’t be able to continue our work.

"Our guide dogs are truly life-changing, allowing people with sight loss to enjoy the same freedom and independence as everyone else.

Alison Banham with George

"We are so proud of our volunteers and would like to thank them for everything they do.

"We also wish to recognise the fantastic support that the group receives from individuals and businesses within the local community."

There are currently around 15 guide dog owners across the Stafford and Stone area – with the charity's services still running to help them.

The charity, which was founded in 1934, has urged anyone – people, a member of their family or child – to give them a call if they have any issues.

The phone-line is usually open from 9am to 5pm between Monday to Friday, with people able to speak with someone who "understands",

To find out about volunteering for Guide Dogs, which is entirely dependent on donations, visit

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