Express & Star

Ten sites proposed for Dudley travellers camp

Dudley Council has identified 10 potential sites for a new temporary travellers site in the borough, with a place a Coseley as the favoured option, it has been revealed.

Cllr Harley

The local authority is aiming to set one up for a three year period in a bid to combat illegal camps.

Clean-up and eviction costs on illegal traveller camps have cost taxpayers £150,000 a year since 2015.

Proposals for a transit site will go before the council's Cabinet next week. A transit site would allow the council and police to evict travellers from unauthorised sites a lot quicker. It would offer travellers a short stay, which they would have to pay rent form and they would be provided electric, water and waste disposals.

The proposed site in Coseley is a disused council-owned site on Budden Road, which has been assessed.

Dudley Council leader Patrick Harley said:

“Unauthorised camps not only cause distress and anger among residents but have cost taxpayers hundreds of thousands of pounds to clean up afterwards and for us to protect other public spaces from incursions.

“Evidence suggests areas which have set up (transit) sites have seen a significant reduction in the number of incursions.”