Express & Star

Ned's Atomic Dustbin wow fans as Stourbridge celebrates the creativity of its music and arts

Hundreds of music fans flocked to Stourbridge to enjoy an Indie festival featuring a sold out gig at the town hall from the legendary Ned's Atomic Dustbin.

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Fans from far and wide came to see the band, who hail from the town as they tried to re-live their youth in the heady days of the early 90s when they hit it big along with fellow Black Country outfits The Wonderstuff and Pop Will Eat Itself.

One fan came from Connecticut, USA, another from Switzerland and many more from far flung parts of the UK, as well as more nearby enthusiasts.

Many had seen Ned's over 30 times but all said the gig was memorable.

The weather stayed good for the all day event, called One Heart One Way after the motto Stourbridge has followed since 1917. It speaks of a single minded purpose that has characterised so may aspects of the town's history, including its musical heritage.

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