Express & Star

Stourbridge accept charge from the FA after ‘indecent’ chants

Stourbridge have accepted a charge by the Football Association for failing to control their spectators during a home fixture at the War Memorial Ground earlier this season.


The alleged incident, which was reported to match officials, concerned “improper” and “indecent” comments and chants directed towards a female member of staff for the opposition, which also made reference to gender.

The Glassboys have been fined, formally warned and will face further sanction and stiffer punishment from the FA in future if such discriminatory comments and chants are made again.

Stourbridge, who will also need to implement an action plan to address the matter, say they “deplore” the comments and extremely “disappointed” by a small number of home followers.

A club statement read: “Stourbridge Football Club as a supporter of the Her Game Too initiative, and with an active and thriving girls and women’s football section is extremely disappointed and frustrated that such an incident occurred involving a small number of home followers and deplores the comments and chants reported.

“We wish to remind spectators of their responsibilities and of the code of conduct that exists when attending games at Stourbridge FC and forms part of your entry to matches.”