Express & Star

'My son was savaged by a dangerous dog in our peaceful village and now it's attacked again'

'Next time it could be a child killed' – those are the words of a campaigner representing people demanding a dangerous dog is removed from their village following a second attack in less than a year.


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The latest attack by an American Akita on Sunday afternoon left a family including a heavily pregnant mother and her seven-year-old son traumatised when their spaniel was badly injured by the dog.

The Akita dog which has carried out two attacks in Featherstone - villagers are demanding it be removed

They were walking along Brookhouse Lane in Featherstone when the Akita approached and attacked the spaniel called Bentley, causing two gaping wounds which required extensive treatment at the vets.

In May last year, Donna Lilith's 16-year-old son Kaiser was attacked by the same dog, suffering severe wounds to his left hand and right arm, narrowly missing shredding a major nerve.

A 16-year-old boy was injured in an attack in May whilst he was in the middle of doing his GCSEs. His mother has demanded action to permanently remove the dog which attacked him, and another dog on Sunday, from the village

After that attack the Crown Prosecution Service decided the owners could keep the dog with some restrictions and training, and Ms Lilith started a campaign to prevent the dog returning to the village.

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