Express & Star

Business owner to refurb Wolverhampton bar after apartments plan falls through

The owner of a popular city bar has spoken about plans for a new set of apartments falling through due to the council "changing the goalposts".

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Jim Deol, who owns Jack's Bar and Taj Palace banqueting suite in Wolverhampton, said he and his family would focus on redeveloping and expanding their own businesses instead.

Mr Deol said the plans to build 33 apartments had been agreed with Wolverhampton Council back in 2022, but had begun to change over time and had eventually become plans to build 20 apartments, something he said wasn't viable for the project he had agreed.

He said: "We have the banqueting suite the Taj Palace and we wanted to convert it and the area around it into apartments and we had agreed with the council to build more than 30 apartments.

"However, they've kept moving the goalposts and changing the plans and it had got down to about 20 apartments, which just wasn't viable for the project we had in mind.