Express & Star

Harleigh Hepworth: Community left shocked and saddened by teenager's death

Residents of the area Harleigh Hepworth called home were still taking in the awful news about his death on Sunday.

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Across the Staffordshire town of Rugeley, there were feelings of shock and loss at the passing of the 17-year-old, who died after being stabbed in West Park in Wolverhampton on Thursday afternoon.

A 16-year-old has been arrested in connection with the stabbing, but on a rainy Sunday afternoon in the former mining town, those who had known him and those who had heard of his death were united in mourning his death.

Geoff and Thelma Proffit had been out shopping in the town centre and had only recently found out about the 17-year-old's death.

Both 74-year-old Geoff and 72-year-old Thelma expressed their own sorrow at Harleigh's death and questioned why people felt the need to carry weapons.

Both Geoff and Thelma Profitt said they were shocked at the news

Geoff said: "I think it's absolutely awful what has happened and I think about all these stabbings and I can't understand why people need to carry knives.

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