Express & Star

Brother of Stephen Lawrence raises integrity, honour and hard work in Wolverhampton school visit

It was a day for students to learn about integrity, understanding and being able to do the right things at the right time.

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More than 1,300 students, teachers and staff from St Edmunds Catholic Academy in Wolverhampton were given a rousing, impassioned and powerful speech by the honourable Dr Stuart Lawrence as part of their end of year Stars Programme awards event.

Dr Lawrence, who is the brother of Stephen Lawrence, the British teenager murdered in a racially motivated attack in 1993, was the guest speaker at the event, which saw students receive certificates and awards for their hard work during the previous year.

This included former student Walker Darke, who is named on the Forbes Under 30 Europe list for 2023. and was recognised for his work on the United Nations Roadmap to Carbon Neutrality by 2050 for Europe, North America, and Central Asia.

Dr Stuart Lawrence was the special guest at St Edmund's Catholic Academy

Dr Lawrence, who is a consultant, youth engagement specialist, coach and public speaker, was making his final appearance of the year and spoke about the power of words, something he had learnt from his childhood, as well as speak about racial awareness and the legacy of his brother.

He also spoke about being there to celebrate the achievements of the students and hoped he could help inspire them with his speech and presentation.