Express & Star

'How long until someone dies': Resident calls for support after wall is destroyed five times

A councillor has joined a Wolverhampton resident's call for support after her garden wall was destroyed five times by vehicles crashing into it.

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Councillor Paul Singh has called for more action from the council after Devi Kalsi's wall was knocked down over five times. Pictured: Councillor Paul Singh and Devi Kalsi

Councillor Paul Singh has called for immediate action to improve road safety on Goldthorn Hill after a residential wall was destroyed for the fifth time.

Resident Devi Kelsi welcomed the support after being forced to repair her garden wall earlier this year, marking the fifth time that she has had to pay to have it rebuilt.

She said: "This has happened consistently, it's happened five times now, and it's usually once every two or three years.

Devi Kalsi has asked "how long it will be until someone dies". Pictured: Councillor Paul Singh with Devi Kalsi

"This last one was the worst I have seen, it was a bit of a wake-up call. It happened at around 7.30am, I heard a big crash and it just shook me out of bed. I went down to have a look and there was a car in my tree."