Express & Star

Police crack down on antisocial behaviour in Wolverhampton centre with dispersal order now in place

There will be more police out and about in Wolverhampton city centre after a rise in reports of anti-social behaviour by groups of youths, police say.

Last updated

A section 35 dispersal notice has been authorised in the city centre, going into action from 3pm on Thursday and running all the way through to 3pm on Saturday.

The order means that West Midlands Police will be increasing patrols across the city to offer reassurance to the public and to enforce the powers granted by the notice.

The force said that the city centre has been the site of anti-social behaviour and crime which it said it understood was being committed by groups of youths, mostly around Dudley Street and said it was keen to respond to this to ensure people feel safe and are not affected by this behaviour.

The dispersal notice gives police officers and community support officers additional powers to deal with groups intent on causing anti-social behaviour, crime or disorder, including breaking up groups and temporarily banning people from the area.

Wolverhampton city centre Inspector Sophie Clement said: "We regularly talk with the public and we know that groups congregating in the city centre can cause people to feel unsafe and intimidated.

"Officers patrol the area on a daily basis to offer reassurance and to deal with issues as they arise but it is necessary to authorise this notice to allow us to deal with groups who are intent on causing problems.

"We want the public to go about their business without fear and to enjoy the facilities the city has to offer."

The force has also said that if anyone is worried about anti-social behaviour in their neighbourhood, they should get in touch and let the force know.

A spokesman for West Midlands Police said: "You can contact us via Live Chat on our website or by calling 101. Alternatively call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111."