Express & Star

Wolverhampton petrol station praised for further price drop

Motorists in the Blakenhall area of Wolverhampton are being given a further break after a popular independent petrol station cut its prices once more.

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Blakenhall Service Station drops prices again

Blakenhall Services on Dudley Road is now charging 172.6 for a litre of unleaded and 183.6 for a litre of diesel, which is a drop of seven pence and eight pence respectively on just over a week ago.

The Total Energies station made headlines on Monday July 4 when it was found it was charging significantly less than other retailers - including supermarkets - on the day nationwide fuel protests were held.

Acccording to, currently of the supermarket fuel stations in Wolverhampton, Asda is charging 185.7 for a litre of unleaded and 195.7, Sainsburys 185.9 and 195.9 and Morrisons 186.7 and 195.7.

Four petrol stations are vying for the most expensive tag including Esso on the Stafford Road, at 189.9 for unleaded and 199.9 for diesel. Nationally, the average is 190.5 for unleaded and 198.42 for diesel.

The Blakenhall Services station won praise on Facebook page Fuel Price Stand against Tax, with Transit Pat posting: "If independents can do this were seriously getting ripped off supermarkets buy bulk so get fuel even cheaper still 1.97 upwards for diesel.

James White posted: "Still outrageous considering how much oil current is. Not their fault though good to see reductions passed on."

Sanjeev Lal, operations manager at Blakenhall Services said: "Fuel is a tough market to trade in and we are up against a lot of competition, particularly from the big retailers but the price of crude oil has been declining this month, and as a business that serves the community, we asee no reason why we shouldn't pass that drop onto the customer.

"We have seen a steady flow of custom from areas such as Wednesfield, Walsall and Willenhall and outlying areas and the good thing we find is they are filling their tanks up - they have been very appreciative of what we are trying to do where petrol retailers generally have had a lot of criticism for the high prices in recent weeks.

"It has also been noticed that the big supermarket retailers are no longer keeping their prices lower than the smaller petrol stations or independent ones, or so it would seem so the motorist is more likely to not drive out of their way but go to their local forecourt.

"It is something we are continually monitoring and we intend to keep our prices as low as possible even if the market dictates a general increase in the retail price. I think the current prices will hold at least for the weekend."