Express & Star

The non-scientist from Stafford who came up with credible cure for cancer - and won an award

A Stafford graphic designer who has no formal medical training or qualifications has won an award for a book on his theory surrounding a cure for cancer.

Mark Lintern

Inspired by his own cancer diagnosis and the loss of a dear friend to the disease, Mark Lintern spent eight years researching the mechanisms that instigate and drive it.

It culminated in the formulation of the 'Cell Suppression Theory' and book The Cancer Resolution? which has won an award as The Best Indie Book of the year for 2023.

He said the theory has hit a milestone in cancer circles, becoming the first to to explain in laymen's terms Hanahan and Weinberg Hallmarks.

The hallmarks constitute an organising principle for studying the complexities of growths of tissue and provide a yardstick by which cancer is measured.