Express & Star

West Bromwich tower block - 11 storeys high - set to be approved

A decision on whether to build a new tower block is set to be made by planners.

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The current view of Green Street, West Bromwich, where the new 11-storey tower block could be built. Photo: Google

The move would see an 11-storey tower block with 60 flats built on land in Green Street, West Bromwich, under plans by Iqubal Singh.

Planners at Sandwell Council have recommended the scheme should be approved when councillors meet on Wednesday.

A five-bed home next to the busy Kenrick Way would be demolished to make way for the new tower block if the plans are approved.

A total of 34 car parking spaces would be provided.

The 60 flats would be built next to four 17-storey tower blocks in the Kenrick Park estate.

The four tower blocks,  Lissimore House, Mountford House, Greenford House and Kenrick House all date back to the 1960s.

The land in Green Street has not been included in any of the council’s plans as a future plot for housing – which means it is classed as a ‘windfall’ site.

“Considering the scale of development, the development is proposed to extend to 11 storeys in height, comprising up to 60 one and two-bedroom residential apartments,” the applicant’s planning agent Claremont Planning said.

“This is a reduced scale of development in comparison to the adjacent 17-storey towers. It is therefore considered that this proposed development is reflective of the established scale of existing residential development on Green Street and in the wider Kenrick Park area.

“It is anticipated that this scale constitutes considerate design and will contribute to the provision of a safe and accessible neighbourhood with good linkages to local facilities and services.”

Planners said because Sandwell Council did not have enough space to meet the demand for homes for the next five years it was having to recommend that the plan should be approved.

The council’s planners said the application had met its relevant policies and they had not found any reason to refuse it.