Express & Star

Drinking on the streets of West Bromwich could soon be BANNED under new plans

Drinking alcohol on the streets of West Bromwich town centre could soon be banned under plans to introduce tough new powers to curb loutish behaviour.

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Drinking on the streets of West Bromwich town centre could soon be banned

Council bosses are considering bringing in a public spaces protection order (PSPO) to try and clamp down on alcohol-related violence.

It comes after complaints about threatening and intimidating behaviour in the town.

The PSPO, which would stretch from the Caters Green roundabout to Birmingham Road, would give police more powers to tackle street drinking and other forms of nuisance behaviour.

Anyone who breaches the order could be hit with a fine of up to £1,000.

Business owners and residents are now being asked to have their say on the proposals.


Councillor Elaine Costigan, Cabinet member for public health and protection at Sandwell Council, said: “It’s unacceptable that residents, businesses and visitors should have to suffer crime and anti-social behaviour and we’re putting forward these proposals in response to their concerns.

“We already work very closely with the police and other partner organisations to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour.

“The PSPO would be an extra tool to help us make sure the law-abiding majority of people can enjoy using the town centre.”

As part of the consultation, the council is also asking for views on begging and nuisance parking.

Councillor Costigan said: “People often raise concerns with us about begging and people sleeping rough in the town centre.

“We want to protect vulnerable people and make sure rough sleepers receive the support they need, while also tackling anyone begging fraudulently.”

People can have their say on the plans until April 18 at