Tories remain in charge of Dudley Council
Councillor Patrick Harley will lead a minority Conservative administration on Dudley Council after being re-elected at the authority's annual meeting.

The council is on a knife edge following the May 2 elections, which left both the Conservatives and Labour on 34 seats each, with the Liberal Democrats holding holding the balance of power with three seats, along with a sole independent.
But, as revealed in the Express & Star on Wednesday, an agreement between the parties was struck, and Councillor Harley was re-elected unopposed at last night'smeeting.
Councillor Paul Bradley will continue as his deputy, with special responsibilities for communities, climate change and economic delivery.
Councillor Andrea Goddard, who retired as mayor during the meeting, will take over as cabinet member for adult and social care, while Councillor David Stanley will be in charge of children's services and education.
Councillor Steve Clarke will be in charge of the council finances, while Councillor Damien Corfield will hold the portfolio for highways and environmental services.
Councillor Ian Bevin will be responsible for housing and communities, and while Councillor John Clinton will be in charge of public health. Councillor Phil Atkins will hold responsibility for corporate strategy, while Councillor Simon Phipps will be cabinet member with out a portfolio.
Labour's Councillor Pete Lowe will continue as leader of the principle opposition, with Councillor Judy Foster as his deputy.