Express & Star

Dramatic images show scale of Dudley factory fire damage

Dramatic thermal images have shown the level of damage done to a Dudley factory following a fire which burned through the night.

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The thermal images show the level of damage within the factory

The West Midlands Police Eye in the Sky team provided the images from above the David Wood Foods bakery processing plant in Dudley. The fire started midday on Friday and was still being tackled by West Midlands Fire Service teams hours later.

The images show parts of the roof having collapsed and areas of the factory in complete ruin after the fire, as well as helping firefighters to know where to best tackle the blaze.

A spokesman for WMP Eye in the Sky said: "Our drone team are currently assisting West Midlands Fire and West Midlands Ambulance Service at a large industrial fire in Dudley.

"Fire are utilising our imaging to formulate strategies on how best to tackle the fire effectively whilst maintaining public safety."

Drone shots show the amount of smoke still coming from the factory
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