Express & Star

'I was lonely and sad but coming here gave me a new family!' New health club for over-50s is a hit

A new health club for over-50s has given members a whole new reason to get out of bed in the morning.


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Set up by black belt kickboxer Martin Maher, 48, the classes take place every morning between 10am and 11am, and Martin has had to add additional slots because of the club’s growing popularity.

Diane Finch said joining the group stopped her from feeling lonely

The classes, which run at the Bradmore Community Centre, Birches Barn Road, Wolverhampton, aim to help locals build a social life and improve their mental and physical health in a fitness environment that isn't too intimidating - unlike commercial gyms.

Martin said: “The reason I set this up is because a lot of people at that age get neglected and ignored, all they want is to do the same exercises a younger person would do without feeling intimidated.

“My idea of setting this up was to make people feel comfortable, to exercise, to meet new people and enjoy life more.

"I think it's giving them more of a purpose to get up in the morning, to have something to look forward to.

"We even organise trips away or days out, it makes a difference for them both physically and mentally.

"I call them all family now, seeing them do better and be themselves is so good to see. I'm constantly having a laugh with them.”