Express & Star

'I don't need a medal': 'Modest hero' postie remembers the day he saved a pensioner's life

Dan Howells can still remember exactly what he was doing when Anne Taylor ran into his collection office screaming that her husband had collapsed.


It's not surprising, given the 42-year-old postie was soon applying the lifesaving CPR that means Darryl Taylor is still alive today.

Dan had just started his shift at the Stourbridge Royal Mail Collection Office on November 23 last year when he directed the Taylors towards the main entrance for the office, after Darryl, 78, had said he was there to pick up a parcel.

It was minutes later that he rushed into action to call 999 for an ambulance after Anne rushed in and said her husband had fallen, hit his head and wasn't breathing, then began to administer CPR.

The father-of-two said he could also remember when what he had done finally sank in.

He said: "The memories are still there and I'm still aware of what happened on that day and how it affected Darryl, from when his wife came in screaming that he'd fallen over to giving the CPR to the paramedics, air ambulance and police that turned up, then going back to my working day.

"It probably hit me later in the day, around about 6pm, as I'd tried to keep busy until then, but then it really hit me and affected me mentally for weeks, just about what had actually happened and just hoping that Darryl was going to pull through and that he was going to be okay."

For Dan, there was also a waiting period, not knowing if Darryl had survived or had died, but he said he found out through Twitter from Darryl's daughter Lynn that he was okay and then started to get messages of thanks.