Express & Star

Strangler who tried to kill nurse after over a decade of shocking violence given life sentence

A man who "ruined the life" of a nurse he strangled has been given a life sentence after his shocking previous record of violence was revealed to the court.

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Keiffer Sutton, 25, who was born female and now identifies as male but is being held in a woman's prison, has punched, strangled, stamped on and beat-up nurses, prison officers, hospital patients, men, women and members of the public over the last 10 years.

Judge Simon Ward branded Sutton "manipulative" and "unable to change" his violent behaviour so insisted only a life sentence would do, which would mean strict conditions after release from jail.

Sutton was being sentenced for attempted murder after wrapping a chord around the neck of Kazeema Asfal in Heath Lane Hospital, West Bromwich, on June 2, last year. Sutton had "engineered a situation" to be alone with the nurse by pretending to need the toilet so he could try to kill her.

Kazeema Asfal was almost killed by Kieffer Sutton

Mrs Asfal remembered Sutton telling her "it will be fun watching you die" before blacking out as other members of staff came to her rescue.

The nurse told the court in a witness impact statement: "This has ruined my life. I am constantly worried about being attacked again. I am now on so much medication just to get through the day.

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