Express & Star

Teenager who killed seven-year-old 'dream child' Katniss in Walsall street is locked up

A youth who was riding a stolen motorcycle when he struck "dream child" Katniss Seleznev in Walsall causing her death has been sentenced to five years detention today.

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The seven-year-old died from her injuries as a result of the collision with the stolen Suzuki 125 motorbike near her home in Turnstone Road in Harden near Blakenall on July 27 last year.

Minutes after going outside with her twin brother and older sister to play she was hit by the 15-year-old who admitted to causing her death by dangerous driving at a previous hearing.

Sentencing him at Wolverhampton Crown Court, Judge Michael Chamber KC said it was "tragic" and that the youth's actions were aggravated by him riding a excessive speeds, his failure to stop the cycle which was reported stolen the previous month and attempts to destroy it afterwards.

The balloon release in memory of Katniss Seleznev, pictured younger,

"In my judgement only immediate custody can by justified," the judge said.

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