Express & Star

12-year-old boy accused of murder tells jurors he took out £40 machete 'because it was cool'

A 12-year-old boy accused of murdering Shawn Seesahai last year has told jurors he bought a machete because "he thought it was cool" to have one.

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The boy, wearing a pale blue shirt with a tie, had an adult with him to explain proceedings at Nottingham Crown Court.

Speaking softly, the boy, was asked questions by his own defence lawyer, the prosecutor and his co-defendant's lawyer.

Asked if he had bought the machete online, he said: "No, I bought it off a friend of a friend for £40."

Shawn Seesahai

Rachel Brand KC, defending the boy, asked: “Apart from the night that we are talking about on the Stowlawn field, on other nights or other days had you taken that knife out in public with you? Why did you take it out in public with you?”

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