Express & Star

Bailey Atkinson trial: Seven teens found guilty of 'brutal' Walsall murder

“I’m going to die. Tell my mom I love her.”

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Those were the dying words of 21-year-old Bailey Atkinson to a police officer as he lay in Walsall town centre having been brutally attacked with blades and machetes in January last year.

In spite of open-heart surgery at the scene, Bailey died from multiple stab wounds to his back, arms and legs. Seven teenagers who took part in the attack have now been found guilty of his murder.

Bailey had moved to Walsall from Coventry two years previously to escape a gang lifestyle, but sadly became embroiled in Walsall’s own warring groups.

On the evening of January 27, 2023, Bailey was out with a female friend.

A taxi dropped them in Walsall town centre and they were walking past the market stalls in the early hours of the next day when a car swerved towards them.

Bailey told his friend to “run” as he also ran along the High Street.

There were two cars in convoy, a Toyota Verso and a Seat Leon - both had been stolen in previous days.

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