Express & Star

'Arrogant' learner driver crashed BMW into mother and two young sons in pram while 'showing off'

A learner driver from Walsall hit a mother and her two young children in a pram while driving his father's high-powered BMW at more than twice the speed limit.

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The mother and her two children were fortunate to escape. Photo: Devon and Cornwall Roads Policing Team

Mohammed Alam was seen and heard on a doorbell camera accelerating hard after turning into a quiet residential street. It was followed by the sounds of heavy braking and the terrified victims’ screams.

A mother was taking two of her children, aged three and 18 months for a walk in a pram when they were all hit by the white BMW which had been doing 52 to 56mph in a 20mph limit zone.

She read out an impact statement in court in which she said: “I believed my two children were dead and had been killed by that driver. It was hard to register that they have survived after I saw what happened.”

Addressing Alam, she said: “You need to understand that you nearly stole everything from me. You nearly killed my babies. I would never have seen them grow into boys and young men.”