Express & Star

Search for male suspected of spitting at girls at Birmingham New Street station

Police have asked for help to find a man accused of spitting and verbally abusing four girls at a railway station.

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The suspect

An image has been released of a male officers want to identify following the incident, described as "a serious public order", at Birmingham New Street at 8.25am on October 17.

British Transport Police said a male approached the girls who were sitting in the station’s central walkway behind Ozzy the bull and began verbally abusing them, before spitting at them and then walking off in the direction of the station's Blue Zone.

Anyone who recognises the man, who had a distinctive hair cut, should contact the investigating officers by either texting 61016, phoning 0800 40 50 40 or via website quoting crime reference 93JD1297823.

Or phone Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 11.

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