Express & Star

Costly mistake: Wolverhampton train passenger tried going on big journey without paying fare

A train passenger who tried travelling 120 miles to Leeds with a ticket valid only between Wolverhampton and Birmingham has ended up in court.

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Shorsh Mahmood tried travelling to Yorkshire with a ticket covering his journey from Wolverhampton to Birmingham

Shorsh Mahmood was caught at the West Yorkshire city's station on May 23 after he had travelled up on a train from Birmingham New Street, which is just 18 miles from Wolverhampton.

At Kirklees Magistrates Court on November 13, it was said that the 31-year-old produced an Anytime Day Single from Wolverhampton to Birmingham Stations upon arrival in Leeds.

Prosecutors said he did not respond to a Fixed Penalty Notice.

The case against Mahmood, of Chetwynd Road, Wolverhampton, was proved in his absence.

He was fined £220 and ordered to pay £79.40 compensation for the fare he tried to avoid paying in May.

He was also ordered to pay £150 costs and a surcharge of £88, leaving him owing the court £537.40.

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