Express & Star

Driver more than triple the alcohol limit given road ban and treatment orders

A driver who was more than three times the alcohol limit has been banned from the road.

Gavin Pugh was caught drink-driving at the wheel of a Vauxhall Corsa

Gavin Pugh was caught at the wheel of a Vauxhall Corsa in Dudley on July 14, before a breath test recorded 114 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath, more than triple the legal limit of 35.

After pleading guilty to drink-driving last month, the 41-year-old of Beech Road, Dudley, was given a two-year driving ban at Dudley Magistrates Court last on Tuesday, September 19.

The court also ordered him to undergo a six-month alcohol treatment programme, as well as a 12-month mental health treatment. He must also take part in up to up to 20 rehabilitation activity days.

Pugh was also fined £50, ordered to pay costs of £135 and a surcharge of £114.

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