Express & Star

Teenager who raped 15-year-old girl and uploaded inappropriate videos to TikTok jailed for six years

A teenage rapist who uploaded inappropriate videos to TikTok has been jailed for six years.

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Wolverhampton Crown Court

The 19-year-old, who cannot be named because he started the offences when he was 17, was found guilty of raping a 15-year-old three times and pleaded guilty to a string of other sexual crimes including sexual assault last year.

He also poured a can of pop over the girl's head and squeezed her face as well as uploading videos on TikTok of him assaulting her, the court was told.

Abigail Nixon, the lawyer for the defendant, said: "As is common place among young people nowadays, sexualised videos were made and uploaded to TikTok."

The rapist was sentenced at Wolverhampton Crown Court to six years, three years, two years, and another two years but the sentences will run concurrently. He has also been given a restraining order never to contact the victim for the rest of his life.

Three women in the public gallery, who the defendant had been smiling and waving to before proceedings, cried as the sentence was read out.

A victim impact statement from the girl was read to the court by Judge Jonathan Gosling.

She said her schooling had been seriously affected by her ordeal, she frequently has flashbacks and nightmares and struggles to trust both boys and men.

Prosecutor Nigel Stelling said: "They met in early 2022, they then began a relationship it was sexual. when it began he was 17 she was 15, during the relationship he celebrated his 18th birthday.

"He continued to have sex with her knowing he was an adult and she was a child."

He added: "When arrested he gave a prepared statement and then gave no comment to any questions."

Defending Ms Nixon said: "He has low level intelligence and suffers from ADHD, PTSD as the result of a chaotic childhood."

Judge Gosling said: "You are guilty of rape, and you had sexual intercourse when 18 knowing she was under 16.

"I have granted a restraining order, when you are released from your sentence you must not try and contact the victim, ever, in anyway."

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