Express & Star

People smuggler who 'screwed' immigrants into hidden wardrobes in vans is jailed

An international people smuggler who "screwed 35 immigrants into hidden wardrobes" has been jailed.


Former Walsall resident Adrian Constantin, a 36-year-old Romanian national who was extradited back to the UK after fleeing the country, was sentenced to three years and two months in prison at Birmingham Crown Court on Wednesday.

Constantin, who lived in Clare Road, Walsall, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to assist unlawful immigration and failing to appear for an earlier court hearing.

He organised 35 Afghans, including children as young as two and a person with physical disabilities, to be screwed into purpose-built hides and smuggled into the country in the back of vans.

Constantin became the sixth person to be jailed over six separate smuggling attempts across UK ports between August and October 2019.

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