Express & Star

Stafford Police's clampdown on town centre crime results in arrests

Stafford Police's clampdown on anti-social behaviour and crime in the town centre led to an alleged thief who stole a charity collection box being arrested.


After a spate of crime in the town residents wanted a higher police presence and the extra patrols are catching criminals.

Stafford Borough Police tweeted: "Officers continue to carry out high-visibility patrols in Stafford town centre.

"Recently they have arrested a 40-year-old man on suspicion of arson at the Old Job Centre, Greyfriars. He has since been released under investigation.

"Arrested a 21-year-old man after reports a charity collection box was stolen from a seller within South Walls. He has since been charged and bailed to court.

"Stopped and searched a 31-year-old man in the town centre. He was arrested on suspicion of theft and going equipped. He has also been charged."

The police are determined to give residents less reason to fear crime after complaints about anti-social behaviour leading to intimidation, earlier this month officers used a drone to stop yobs throwing tiles off roofs in the town centre.

The police tweeted: "We are committed to investigating any report of crime, anti-social behaviour and disorder in the area in order to reassure the community."

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