Express & Star

Stourbridge brothers jailed for more than six years after robbing and assaulting 'vulnerable' man

Two men who assaulted and robbed another man in Stourbridge, leaving him with a fractured jaw, have each been jailed for more than six years.

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Brothers David and Dean Tromans were sentenced at Wolverhampton Crown Court on Wednesday last week for the robbery, which left their victim hospitalised.

Both drug users, 36-year-old David of Oakfield Avenue, Kingswinford, and 34-year-old Dean of Bredon Road, Amblecote, were in Stourbridge town centre on September 6, 2020 when they saw a man they knew who also used drugs.

The pair struck up a conversation with the man who then went off to purchase drugs. He met with the brothers again around an hour later.

After sitting with the brothers for a little while, the man stood to up to leave and was suddenly struck to the side of the face by Dean Tromans, which caused him to fall to the ground.

Tromans continued to punch the man while his brother David robbed him of cash and his mobile phone. The pair then made off, leaving their victim with his jaw fractured in two places.

He required surgery for his jaw and he also sustained injuries to his ribs and arms.

Police caught the brothers within a week, and they were subsequently charged. Both men were sentenced to six years and three months in prison.

Investigation Officer Constable Jodie Cox said: "This was a particularly nasty robbery against a vulnerable man, which led to him requiring a stay in hospital and surgery for the wounds that David and Dean Tromans inflicted.

"The sentence they received reflects the seriousness of their offence and I’m pleased to see that both have now been taken off the streets."