Express & Star

Banned sex offender on trial accused of raping teen he met over social media

A man banned from contacting children violently raped a 13-year-old girl hours after befriending her on Instagram and Snapchat, a trial heard.


Wayne Scarratt is accused of punching and stamping in the schoolgirl's head during the alleged attack which happened near Walsall at about 6pm on August 7 last year. Among her serious injuries the victim suffered a broken collar bone.

The 28-year-old is standing trial at Stafford Crown Court where the jury on Monday heard the defendant had agreed to purchase a vape for the victim and they made arrangements to meet at a shop.

Maria Brannan, prosecuting barrister, told the jury: "In the trial you are going to hear that the defendant met up with a 13-year-old through social media. They were together at a nature reserve and the defendant raped her, stamped on her, breaking her clavicle, dislodging her collar bone.

"He then left her. He took her mobile phone with him so that she could not phone for help."

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