Express & Star

Police drones used to stop yobs throwing tiles from rooftops in Stafford town centre

Police in Stafford are continuing the crime clampdown in the town centre with the help of drones to stop yobs throwing tiles from rooftops.

Last updated

Patrols have been increased in response to community’s recent concerns around anti-social behaviour including cyclists riding through the pedestrian areas and people on roofs throwing tiles at unsuspecting pedestrians.

Stafford Borough local policing team (LPT) carried out daily uniformed patrols in the town centre in partnership with officers from Stafford Borough Council.

This has resulted in more than 10 individuals being issued with fixed penalty notices for breaching the public space protection order which is in operation in the town centre. These breaches involved individuals cycling through the pedestrianised area of the town, which is prohibited as part of the order.

As part of this, a total of four people have been interviewed and referred to the Youth Offending Team for partnership intervention to educate them and discourage their involvement in future offending.

The young person involved in starting the fire at the old Co-op building has also been interviewed and referred to the Youth Offending Team.

On Saturday officers used a drone to help identify anyone congregating on roof tops and throwing roof tiles in the town centre. Officers also addressed a small number of incidents of drug-taking and alcohol consumption.

Stafford Borough LPT Inspector, Tim Norbury, said: “These are just some of the preventative and proactive measures we have been using to help address some of the concerns raised to us by residents.

“We will continue to carry out high-visibility patrols and conduct planned operations throughout the coming weeks in order to reassure the community and deter anyone who may be responsible to anti-social behaviour in the town.”