Express & Star

Man given three-year football banning order for shouting racist slur at Raheem Sterling at Villa Park

A man has been handed a three year banning order after he racially abused Chelsea and England player Raheem Sterling during at Villa Park.

Timothy Hyslop who has been handed a three year football banning order.

Timothy Hyslop was heard shouting racist slur when Sterling was on the ball during the first half of the Premier League game between Aston Villa and Chelsea on October 16 2022.

Hyslop, 54, from Britannia Drive, Burton, was brought in after the game and interviewed under caution.

He was then charged with a racially aggravated section 5 public order offence.

He appeared at Birmingham Magistrates Court on Tuesday where he pleaded guilty to the charge.

As well as the banning order he was told to pay fines and court costs totalling £538.

Pc Stuart Ward, football hate crime officer at West Midlands Police, said: "This kind of behaviour will not be tolerated. Abusing anyone for the colour of their skin is disgusting and can never, ever be condoned.

"There is no place for racism in football or society in general. I would like to thank Aston Villa for their assistance during this investigation."

Pc Ward was appointed the UK’s first dedicated hate crime officer based within a football unit two years ago.