Express & Star

Two arrested in Lichfield for vehicle theft and drugs possession after stinger deployed to stop car

Police have arrested two men in Lichfield for alleged offences including "theft of a motor vehicle and drugs possession."

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A stinger was deployed to bring the vehicle to a stop.

The two men, of no fixed addresses but from the Stoke-on-Trent area, were taken into custody by Lichfield police with help from the Central Motorway Police Group (CMPG), which covers the Staffordshire Police and West Midlands Police regions.

At 3.45am on Monday, patrolling officers spotted the Saab in Tean, near Lichfield.

Police ran checks on the car and learned that it was stolen, Staffordshire Police said, before officers pursued. It was pursued into the Lichfield area and officers deployed a stinger device to bring it to a stop.

Lichfield Police wrote on social media at 7:47 this morning (December 19): "Two men from the Stoke-on-Trent area have been arrested in Lichfield this morning for offences including theft of a motor vehicle and drugs possession.

"Colleagues from CMPG located the vehicle and a stinger device was deployed by local officers to bring it to a stop".

Detective Inspector Pete Cooke, from CID, said: “Officers across all ten of the local policing teams (LPT) in Staffordshire have been stepping up their efforts to target vehicle crime on a robust scale.

“We recently appointed a team of officers who specifically target this criminality as part of the force’s priority to action community concerns. We’ve been patrolling hotspot areas, sharing intelligence with partners and proactively targeting those responsible so they can be brought to justice.

“We’re seeing a lot of positive results recently and we are working hard to ensure they continue to be achieved.”

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