Express & Star

'Please stay with your vehicle!' Lichfield Police responded to car thefts on 'last two mornings' while drivers were defrosting

Police in Lichfield are urging drivers to watch out for thieves when they're defrosting their cars.

The message is quite simple from police across the Black Country and Staffordshire.

It's pretty common for people to leave their cars unattended when they're defrosting their windscreens before the school run or driving to work.

But police in Lichfield are warning people against it.

They say that for the last two mornings, they've been receiving reports of vehicles being stolen while being defrosted.

Their message to members of the public is simple.

"Please stay with your vehicle whilst it is defrosting," Lichfield Police wrote on Twitter.

Police in Walsall have issued similar advice, highlighting that many insurance policies would be rendered invalid if you leave your car unattended.

"Do not leave your vehicle unattended & running with keys in the ignition while defrosting," Walsall Police posted on social media.

"Many insurance policies have a ‘key exclusion’ clause, meaning that you won’t be covered if your car is stolen if you leave the engine running and vehicle unattended."

Other police forces in the Black Country and Staffordshire regions are issuing similar pleas to drivers.