Express & Star

The Black Country's most violent pub? The 26 police incidents at bar where there's 'a fight every week'

Over the course of 12 months before it was shut down by council chiefs, West Midlands Police responded to 26 serious crime incidents in and around the Seven Bar in Wednesbury.

The Seven Bar, Lower High Street, Wednesbury, has been the scene of a series of violent incidents

The incidents, which are detailed below, have been used by police to underline the force's opposition to an application for a licence to reopen a bar at the site.

The sheer scale of the violence has prompted the question, is this the most violent pub the the Black Country?

- May 13, 2022

Police and paramedics are called to the bar after 11pm following reports of a stabbing.

A 22-year-old man is found slumped over the bar with a stab wound to his lower back and had suffered “significant blood loss”. He subsequently required an operation to stop the bleeding as the stab wound had caught an artery.

After viewing CCTV footage, police said: “Whilst the victim is slumped over the bar area, customers continue to be served alcohol by the bar staff despite it being evident someone is seriously injured and blood is pouring from a wound.

“The lights remain off or at a low level indicating that normal trading is continuing despite the incident.”

The statement adds: “At one point door staff lock the entrance to the venue. However, the CCTV shows there is no active management of the door and customers unlock the door and leave and at one point, new customers are allowed in. Alarmingly some customers who were near or potentially involved in the incident, are also allowed to re-enter the venue and the venue allows this in the full knowledge that the victim is still on site and being treated and that potentially an offender/offenders in this venue have weapons on them.

“There is no active management in place from the venue or door staff to ensure that there is no further risk to the customers on site.”

Police also point out the pub breaches its own dress code – with the majority of customers wearing tracksuits. “Some have caps on, males are seen walking around the venue with hoods up and numerous males are wearing 'man bags’.

“The venue knows the risks of its customer base yet chooses to ignore this and allow entry anyway.”

- April 24, 2022

A brawl ensues outside the bar at around 2am. A man who had been drinking in there is stabbed in the leg.

- April 1, 2022

An incident in the pub beer garden sees a woman hurl two bottles – the second of which leaves her victim with a fractured eye socket, a cut to forehead and a broken nose. The victim later admitted she threw bottles and glass at the offender in retaliation.

- February 26, 2022

A row outside the pub leads to a man being chased by two offenders and booted around on the ground in front of police officers. The offenders are detained but the victim refused to engage with officers and was abusive towards them.

Police are later forced to disperse a large crowd which had gathered outside the pub.

- January 23, 2022

Police attend the venue after reports of fights breaking out between patrons.

- January 23, 2022

In a separate incident a man has his thumb sliced open when an object is thrown at him across the pub following a row over stolen cigarettes.

- January 22, 2022

Numerous men repeatedly punch their victim at the bar and kick him around the floor, leaving him bruised and bleeding.

- January 15, 2022

Trouble flares inside the bar and spills out onto the street. A victim is set upon by a gang of 15 men, some with weapons. He requires surgery for a broken jaw.

- December 25, 2021

A number of people are detained by police for affray after a man’s vehicle is driven into the bar. One of the offenders states when interviewed that there was a fight in there but this was nothing out of the ordinary as there is a fight in there every week.

- December 24, 2021

A man is detained on suspicion of common assault after a fight.

- December 24, 2021

A separate incident sees a woman punched in the face by a man in an allegedly unprovoked attack.

- December 5, 2021

Officers attended reports of a female being assaulted by a male on the High Street. A man is arrested on suspicion of assault and discloses he had been assaulted earlier on in the evening in Seven Bar by unknown males.

- December 4, 2021

A woman is taken to hospital after being punched in the face by a man in the bar. Police say security at the bar said there had been “no issues” inside the venue.

- November 22, 2021

Officers attend a report of criminal damage at the pub. On arrival they are told a window was smashed “three weeks ago” by a customer.

- November 19, 2021

A man in the pub is punched in the face after he allegedly acted in a threatening manner to a couple.

- November 9, 2021

A man in the pub is punched in the face twice following a row over a taxi.

- September 18, 2021

Officers attend reports of a mass brawl involving 70 people outside the pub, that was allegedly sparked by a row between two groups of women. Police said that during the ensuing fight a woman was punched and the mother of another woman had “picked up a glass”.

Police cordoned off the top of Lower High Street in Wednesbury in July 2021 after car smashed into people outside the bar [credit: David Wilkes]

- August 14, 2021

Police receive two separate reports – there's been a hit and run outside the bar and "it's all kicking off". Paramedics attend to an injured man, who had been involved in disorder inside the bar before a car ploughed into him outside. It transpires a man had earlier been removed from the bar by door staff on suspicion of carrying a hammer.

- August 7, 2021

Police attend reports of common assault at the bar after a row between two women. One is said to be so drunk she had to be propped up by bar staff.

- July 31, 2021

A man is glassed in the back of the head inside the bar.

- July 27, 2021

An offender makes off with a £7,000 necklace after discharging pepper spray in his victim’s face in the pub. Police arrest the offender after CCTV footage shows him to have been drinking in the pub for most of the evening.

- July 11, 2021

A car ploughs into two young women outside the pub following an earlier row inside the venue, leading to charges of attempted murder. A 21-year-old man, who had been drinking in the pub, is convicted.

- July 4, 2021

A man enters the pub toilet after being warned that there is "a mixed-race bloke throwing punches in the air". He is promptly punched in the face. The victim said that after reporting the incident to a bouncer he was told the offender "had done similar before" and was "trouble".

- May 30, 2021

A man has his jaw broken after being hit in the face with a hammer as violence spilled onto the street.

- May 30, 2021

In a separate incident a man is hit on the side of the head with a hammer during a brawl involving up to 30 people near the bar. The victim refused to speak to police.

- May 17, 2021

Police are called to an incident outside the pub where bottles and missiles are being hurled.