Express & Star

Rare Shakespeare document to visit Smethwick

Birmingham's copy of the first folio of William Shakespeare's plays is to go on show in Smethwick this summer.

Birmingham's First Folio. Pic by Jas Sansi

This year marks the 400th anniversary of its printing .

Mr William Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories & Tragedies was the first published collection of William Shakespeare’s works and contains 36 of his plays.

Birmingham’s First Folio is touring communities in 2023 and last year was displayed at the Black Country Living Museum in Dudley.

The tour is counting down to the First Folio’s 400th birthday in November and it will be at Dorothy Parkes Centre, Church Road, Smethwick on June 3.

You can find out more about what makes Birmingham’s First Folio and Birmingham’s Shakespeare Collection so unique on Sunday, March 26 in a special BBC Radio 3 programme Shakespeare’s Brum Ting at 7.15pm.

Birmingham’s copy is unique because it is the only one bought as part of a dedicated programme for improving people’s lives through culture and education. It was purchased in 1881 for all the people of Birmingham – no matter what their background, wealth or occupation.

Professor Ewan Fernie, project director of the Everything to Everybody Project said: “Shakespeare belongs to everybody, and the Birmingham First Folio is Birmingham’s present to its citizens. It’s the People’s Folio, it belongs to the people of Birmingham and it’s therefore really important to take it out and tell people ‘it’s yours’.

“The First Folio tour in 2022 was the first time in its history that it had visited communities across Birmingham and what a fantastic response we had from all those who saw it, many of whom queued to make sure they set eyes on it themselves.

“We look forward to visiting more communities this year, providing more opportunities for the people of the City to see their copy of what is probably the most important secular book in Western culture..

On April 23 – Shakespeare’s Birthday – it is at Aston Hall and on October 21 will be on show at Bullring and Grand Central.

There will also be a special visit to the library at Winson Green Prison,

The tour is also aimed at raising awareness of Birmingham’s Shakespeare Memorial Library. Founded in 1864, the collection of more than 100,000 items is both the first major Shakespeare library in the world and also the only extensive Shakespeare collection which belongs to the people of a city. Each venue or partner will connect with the Shakespeare collection – and therefore the First Folio – in a way that is unique to them and their interests.