Express & Star

Peter Rhodes on old movies, a BBC warning and memories of feeding the elephants

“Contains some upsetting scenes” is the BBC's warning on CCTV footage showing a bicycling suspect being arrested in Grimsby.

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Chased by one police car, he collides head-on with another, flies over the handlebars, crashes to the ground, and is promptly nicked by five armed cops. Later he is charged with possessing an imitation firearm, a bladed article and some cannabis, trying to escape lawful custody and assaulting an emergency worker.

So tell us, Auntie Beeb. Which bit are we supposed to find upsetting?

Animal-behaviour experts claim that elephants in zoos “react positively” to the presence of human visitors. No surprises there. Elephants have long memories and their inherited race-memories must stretch back centuries.