Express & Star

Death threat hand-delivered to councillor's home as colleague also details abuse

A community leader is planning to stand down at the next county council elections after facing abuse and a death threat posted through her letterbox – and another member has spoken out about the racist comments he received.

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Stafford councillor Carolyn Trowbridge moved house with her family after receiving the anonymous letter, which was reported to police and came after she was re-elected to Staffordshire County Council in 2021 to represent the Stafford West division.

And Labour councillor Syed Hussain, who represents East Staffordshire’s Burton Trent division, told colleagues that he had been subject to online comments about his faith and the colour of his skin.

Extra security staff provided a visible presence in County Buildings for Thursday’s full council meeting. The move follows disruption to a council meeting in Walsall where protesters interrupted proceedings to call for a ceasefire in Gaza, and a pro-Palestinian protest which led to the cancellation of a fundraising dinner in support of Conservative Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner candidate Ben Adams in Stoke-on-Trent in recent weeks.

A Staffordshire County Council spokesperson said: “Due to recent incidents nationally, we were asked by county council members to increase security for some meetings in County Buildings over the next few months, including Full Council. These measures have been introduced to provide reassurance to our members and members of the public when attending our meetings.”

Carolyn Trowbridge

Councillor Trowbridge said she was pleased to see security staff present on Thursday for members’ safety following events elsewhere in the country. But she added: “I personally think, in this day and age, it’s pathetic we have to have extra security and politicians aren’t safe when they’re going about their day to day business.

“Some of the councillors are feeling targeted – it is an absolute joke in this day and age that anyone should feel targeted in any way. I had to move house because I was targeted – it frightened me for my children.

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