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Walsall family in 'disbelief' after Grinch-themed Christmas decorations prove an online hit

A family has gone viral this year after putting their own spin on their Christmas decorations – boasting a very notorious Christmas Grinch.

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Gavin and Sharon Shakespeare helped decorate their daughters Christmas tree to be Grinch themed, the tree is a huge hit online. Pictured: Chelsea with son Mosiah

The Shakespeare family, of Larchwood Road, Walsall, was shocked when the pictures of their Grinch-inspired Christmas tree went viral online, with the original post being liked more than 6,000 times.

Gavin and Sharon Shakespeare started making the special Christmas decorations as a way to make the festive season extra special for their grandchildren, each year hoping to go bigger than the last.

Gavin said: "I can't believe how much it has taken off. We posted the pictures to the Grinch Fans Lover Facebook page and it was only on for about four days and it had 6,000 likes.

"We have only done this for our two grandchildren to start with, they love the Grinch and they love Christmas, but secretly me and my wife do it for ourselves as well, we love going all out for Christmas and Halloween."

Gavin and Sharon have three children, Kyle, 19, Chelsea 26, and Della, 28, and two grandchildren, six-month-old Mosiah and two-year-old Nalius, all of whom loved the unique decorations.

Gavin continued: "We sat there as said 'What shall we do this year'. We knew that the Grinch was all the rage so we started buying the stuff. We bought the Grinch outfit from Amazon and Sharon stitched it all together.

"Me and Sharon have been together for 29 years. We have always bounced off of each other, we always have these great ideas. It's definitely something we will be doing every year now."

Pictures of the tree have been shared over 6,000 times online.

The couple said the idea came from wanting to make every Christmas special for their family, hoping to make each Christmas more special than the last.

Gavin continued: "We always get together for Christmas and I think this year will be really good for the kids. It will definitely be different from the traditional Christmas.

"That's what it is all about for us, bringing the family together."

Gavin even sprayed and decorate the windows for that extra Grinchmas feeling

While the Shakespeare family appreciate the festive burglar returning their tree, they are now looking ahead to next year which they hope will be even more unique.

Gavin said: "We might do the Grinch again, but we are also thinking of a nightmare before Christmas. It might be a little too dark though.

"We will just have to see what we think of next."