Residents invited to see new plans for 1,100 new homes, school and walking routes
Developers hoping to build a new neighbourhood near Penkridge have invited local residents to look at the latest plans.

Penkridge North would create 1,100 homes, a new first school, community hub, and a network of new walking and cycling routes.
The development and community facilities would be set amongst extensive areas of green public open space including woodland, play areas, sports pitches and a riverside community park.
St Philips and Bloor Homes asked for feedback about the proposed development and the latest plans include the result of the previous consultation.
The new plans are online at, and will be displayed at a public drop-in exhibition being held at Penkridge’s Haling Dene Centre on Cannock Road.
On Thursday members of the community can drop-in between 2pm and 7.30pm to view the plans, speak with members of the project team and provide feedback.
Rebecca Birch, Development Manager at St Philips, said: “We are very grateful to everyone who provided feedback during our first round of consultation. This provided some very useful insight, particularly in terms of the community’s priorities for local facilities, and we have used this feedback to help shape our plans.
"For example, we had originally suggested providing a community hall within the new neighbourhood, but feedback locally suggested that it would be better for us to provide investment into upgrading existing community spaces in the village. We look forward to receiving further feedback as our plans take shape, including views on potential public realm improvements in the Crown Bridge area of Penkridge.”
At least 30 per cent of the homes proposed for the new neighbourhood will be affordable homes, providing opportunities for key workers and local people on lower incomes to secure a home of their own in Penkridge. The development will also provide a number of bungalows, as well as later living accommodation for older people.
Max Whitehead, Planning Director at Bloor Homes, said: “The comments we have received from the community so far have made a real difference in terms of shaping our plans. There is clearly a desire for affordable housing to enable people with local connections to secure a home in Penkridge, whilst also meeting a need for larger family homes. We also had helpful feedback on our Active Travel proposals, sports provision, and the proposals for new, accessible green spaces."
He added: "We look forward to receiving more comments and suggestions during our next stage of consultation on the plans, and to meeting members of the community at our drop-in event.”
The next stage of consultation continues online until July 16.