Racer Sam all revved up to support cancer charity
Samantha Lloyd is ready to follow in the footpegs of her motorbike racing husband by taking on a series of endurance challenges – all in aid of charity.

Samantha, who manages her husband Neil's 'Lloyds Racing Team', has been riding bikes herself for the 32 years.
But this year she be entering a series of official races for the first time.
Samantha, from Wednesbury, has set up her own all-female motorbike team to raise awareness of ovarian cancer.
And it will be a real family affair for the grandmother-of-four, who will be supported by her husband Neil.
Neil himself is a regular winner on the club racing circuits, at championships such as Darley Moor in Derbyshire, and Mallory Park in Leicestershire.
He has also raced on the roads in Ireland as well as the Southern 100, on the Isle of Man, and Oliver's Mount in Scarborough.
And the family connection runs further still as Samantha's four-rider team will also consist of Joy Ellis and Dawn Glover, as well as Dawn's teenage daughter, Iona.
The team, named Saints & Sinners, is planning to raise £2,000 for the ovarian cancer support charity Ovacome by taking part in three Freetech Endurance Championship races.
Samantha decided to take on the challenging to match "the same bravery" of her mother, who was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in November.
“This is a huge deal for me,” she said. "I’ve always been a bit wary of racing but want to show the same courage and determination as my mum.”
Samantha has bought a Honda CBR 125 sportsbike especially for the challenges, which has had an engine rebuild.
“I cannot wait to try it on the race track once we are allowed to but in the meantime I am keeping fit by walking and borrowing my son’s road bike,” she said.
"Last week we went to Whilton Mill and did the practice day. It went pretty well and we all had plenty of track time.
"When we left we were looking forward to racing there but unfortunately we were told newcomers were expected to attend a compulsory training day on the Saturday before the race.
"Unfortunately, not all the team could make as it was such short notice, so we have been left with no option other than to postpone our first race.
"We will be definitely racing at Mallory Park later in the year but we are also looking at other races with other clubs."
Samantha, a director of Tipton lighting company Modeled, says her mother’s ovarian cancer was picked up late stage, because symptoms were vague.
Ovacome says late diagnosis is often the case as many of the early signs are easy to brush off.
The charity has come up with its own BEAT acronym, which stands for 'bloating that does not come and go', 'eating difficulty and feeling full more quickly', 'abdominal and pelvic pain you feel most days' and changes in 'toilet habits, urination or bowel'.
Samantha hopes she can raise awareness in the biking and local community by decorating her bike in Ovacome colours for the big events.
“Doing these challenges is a massive deal but I want to make sure that women don’t put off going to their GP, especially when they don’t want to make a fuss during the pandemic,” she said.
"And I have to thanks to everyone for the donations so far."
Samantha has set up a fundraising page, www.facebook.com/4girlsonamotorbike, where donations can be made and supporters can also keep up to date with her progress.
For further information about Ovacome, call their freephone support line on 0800 0087054 or visit ovacome.org.uk