Express & Star

Former teachers pay tribute to teenage girl and young man killed in Oldbury crash

Former teachers of two teenagers killed when a car crashed off a road into pedestrians have paid tribute to the pair.

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Ben Corfield and Liberty Charris. Photo: West Midlands Police

Liberty Charris, aged 16, and 19-year-old Ben Corfield, both from Dudley, were pronounced dead at the scene on the A457 Birmingham Road and Oldbury Road at around 11.30pm on Sunday after a blue Nissan Skyline hit a group of pedestrians near the junction with Crystal Drive.

Tributes have been left at the scene of the crash

Dozens of bunches of flowers had been left at the site of the crash, along with messages and other tributes.

Hundreds more people have paid tribute to the pair on social media, including their former teachers.

One person wrote that Ben was a "memorable character" while another said Liberty had the "greatest personality".

Lissa Kate wrote: "I taught Libby and Ben during their time at secondary school. I am heartbroken by this, my love and thoughts to both families. There are no words."

Lucy Charlotte said: "I also taught both in secondary school. It’s very upsetting news and I’m so, so sorry for their families and loved ones.

Flowers have been laid at the scene

"They had so much to live for and should have had more time. Sleep well both. Xxx."

Berni Crehan wrote: "To both of you. You were such vibrant kids with such a promising future. I had the pleasure of knowing you both during your time at secondary school.

"Liberty - my heart has broken and I will forever be sad that the world has lost you. I adored teaching you, looked forward to your smile, your warmth, your kind heart and your great humour. I am devastated and shaken by this news. I’m so so sorry Lib."

Tracy Goodyear said: "I was Ben's form tutor when he joined us in Year 7 - he was such a memorable character and I am so shocked and saddened by this news. My thoughts are with their families and friends at this tragic time."

Stacey Rolls added: "Absolutely heartbreaking. Lib just had the greatest personality and could make anyone smile. It must be true he only takes the best first. All my love to both families at this awful time - also RIP Ben."

Craig Hesson said: "RIP Ben & Liberty, I had the pleasure of meeting Ben a couple of weeks ago for a job interview.

"He seemed like such a good guy, I said to him he should be so proud of his achievements. He showed me a book of the work he had done raising money, climbing Snowdon if I remember correctly.

"My condolences to both family."

A man and woman in their 20s also suffered life-threatening injuries in the crash and received advanced trauma care from ambulance staff at the scene and en-route to Queen Elizabeth Hospital.

Police have said they are now both in a stable condition.

A 54-year-old man arrested on suspicion of causing death by dangerous driving has been questioned by investigators.

He has been released on police bail and is continuing to assist with enquiries.

Anyone with information is asked to email, message live chat at between 8am and midnight, or call 101.

Quote log number 3732 of November 20.

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