Express & Star

Talented Great Barr fighter appealing for sponsors for World Championships in Venice

A talented Great Barr Muay Thai fighter from K-Star Fight Academy is appealing for sponsors to help him realise his dream and compete in the WBC world championships in Venice.

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English champion Gene Smith has already done the hard part by qualifying for the English team chosen for the championships in June.

However, the dedicated 16-year-old is required to pay his own way to the two week extravaganza in Italy and fund his own hotel and training facilities.

Last month Gene notched up the most impressive win of his fledgling career when he clinched his second English title after taking an away bout against an opponent at six hours notice away.

Testing himself against the world's best in Venice will be hugely important in his direction to the top.

Gene's father Roland said: "Sponsors needed to help with travel, equipment and things like special diets which elite athletes need to compete at the highest level.

"Venice is an amazing opportunity as he will meet the best elite fighters from around the world at his weight to compete against." As he moves forward being part of such a prestige team like the England WBC proves his ability at the level he’s at.

“He competed to be part of it and he will be along side the best of the best UK Muay Thai fighters from the UK. Anyone who is interested in helping will get named on his fight shirts and on social media as he moves forward to his professional future in the sport."

Potential sponsors should email for more information.

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