Dad inspired by 17-year-old son’s cancer diagnosis to take on South American volcano challenge
A Black Country man is set to take on his sixth epic fundraising challenge, inspired by his 17-year-old son’s cancer diagnosis.

Mandeep Rajput, 48, has been raising money for charity through intense challenges since 2014, and this year he will be fundraising for Macmillan Cancer Support.
When Mandeep turned 40, he committed to taking on ten fundraising global challenges over ten years.
Despite a two-year delay due to Covid, he is back this year and ready to take on one of his most exciting challenges yet – trekking through the Avenue of Volcanoes in Ecuador.
He will set off to Ecuador on November 12 and will spend seven days trekking around eight or nine hours a day.

He said: "The purpose of this year’s challenge is more meaningful, as I’m doing it in honour of my son, who was diagnosed with cancer on his 17th birthday in December last year.
"It’s been an incredibly difficult year, with my son undergoing tests, scans, an operation and gruelling chemotherapy, but he has remained resilient and mentally strong throughout, which I am incredibly proud of.
"I’m also doing it to honour the fantastic Macmillan nurses, who were so supportive and kind following his diagnosis.
"Thankfully, my son received clear scan results a few days ago, and he is in really good spirits.
"He will undergo tests over the next five years, but we are looking forward to a much happier December this year – celebrating his 18th birthday and Christmas."
Mandeep has previously fundraised for hospices and raised £50,000 so far, but this year he has chosen to donate the money raised to Macmillan, a cause close to his heart.
He said: “All my challenges so far have involved altitude, and this one is no different. In this country I can’t do altitude training as it kicks in at 3,000 meters, so I’ve been training on a treadmill four times a week, wearing a builders mask to reduce oxygen intake."
Mandeep has raised over £50,000 for charity so far, by completing the London Marathon, cycling from London to Paris, trekking Mount Kilimanjaro, the Great Wall of China and the Inca Trail to Mount Machu Picchu. His goal is to complete ten challenges and raise £100,000.
To support Mandeep, people can donate at